How Do I Get a COR?


How do I get a COR

So, you’ve read about the many benefits of obtaining a Certificate of Recognition (COR), and now you’re wondering, ‘How do I get a COR?’

COR is achieved by passing a COR certification audit, also known as an external audit. The required pass rate differs from province to province, but is generally 80% for the overall auditor score and a minimum of 50% for every major element in the audit.

An audit typically requires six to nine months of evidence, so your OHS program and management system should be in operation for at least that amount of time. The complete COR certification process from start to finish takes most employers around two years, depending on how effective and well-documented their occupational health and safety management system is.

The number of elements in a COR program differs from 8 in some Canadian provinces to up to 19 in others, but in general, all COR programs are focused on 6 major areas – learn about the main components of a COR program.

Certification is based on a 3-year audit cycle, which refers to the maximum frequency with which a company must undergo a full external certification COR audit. Certification audits are completed by external auditors that are independent from the company and they typically provide audit services at a fee.

In addition to the external certification audit, companies are typically required to undergo maintenance audits or reviews in the years (typically 2 years) between the external certification audits. Maintenance audits are usually completed by employees of the company (known as internal auditors) and generally do not have a pass/fail score.

Ready to get started on the journey to COR? Find a health and safety association and certifying body in your province to get started.

Tip: Organizations audited through AuditSoft gain access to a scorecard and a continuous improvement plan 📈

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