AuditSoft Scorecard

Organizations audited through AuditSoft receive a scorecard to visualize OHSMS performance against an anonymized pool of industry data. AuditXchange unlocks deep audit insights, peer-to-peer comparison, and provides intelligent suggestions for continuous improvement.

Maximized Value From Audits

AuditSoft’s audit tool promotes standardization and inter-auditor consistency with built-in rules and automated processes. This foundation supports the AuditXchange data analytics platform in breaking down and comparing audit scores anonymously.

Powerful Audit Data Analytics

AuditXhange powers continuous improvement to both audit recipients and the organizations that issue certifications.
Learn more about AuditXchange →

See the Scorecard in Action

Associations Using AuditSoft

Scorecards are available if you have had an audit completed using AuditSoft and reviewed by an association that uses AuditXchange. Select your association below to learn more about their use of AuditSoft.

Flash Features Series⚡ 

Let AuditSoft’s Elichke Duncan walk you through your audit Scorecard in episode 1 of our Flash Features series!
Episode 1: Member Scorecard Overview →

AuditSoft Scorecard Features

Performance Drilldown

AuditXchange provides a complete breakdown of scoring across the key audit elements for a more in-depth view of safety performance.


Peer-to-Peer Comparison

AuditXchange provides association-wide score distribution and allows performance to be benchmarked against industry peers.

Intelligent Suggestions for Improvement

AuditXchange uses industry data to suggest opportunities for improvement based on comparison with industry benchmarks.


How To Get Started

Watch the video below to learn how to navigate to your Scorecard in AuditXchange.

Only the main company contact (as defined in your audit) will receive an invitation to view your organization’s Scorecard. Once the invitation has been accepted, the user can invite anybody else to view the Scorecard. Learn more

In the PDF report from your most recent audit, look for the ‘Company Details’ and ‘Company Contact’ page (usually page 3). The Company Contact listed there is the main contact who will receive the Scorecard invitation.

If you are the company’s main contact, you will have the permissions to view your company’s Scorecard once your Association has enabled Scorecards for all members. Your Association will notify you once they have enabled Scorecards, and you will receive an invitation in your email to view it. Learn more

Yes. Apart from your association, only the company main contact can view your audit data (and anybody they choose to invite). Apart from your own data, you can only view average audit data across your association.

Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships

AASP logo

Serves more than 2,900 firms and 200,000 workers under COR across all industries in Alberta.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Alberta Food Processors Association

Representing the interests of its members in the Alberta food and beverage industry since 1974.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

Alberta Motor Transport Association

Serving the commercial transportation industry in Alberta for more than 80 years.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR


The COR Certifying Partner for B.C.’s agricultural and associated industries. .

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

☑️ AuditXchange rollout in progress (coming soon)

Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association

amhsa logo

Serves every town, village, municipal district, city, and specialized municipality in Alberta.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

BC Municipal Safety Association

BCMSA logo

Serving all industries throughout the province of British Columbia.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Continuing Care Safety Association

Serves 358 firms and 40,000+ workers across
Alberta’s continuing care sector.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

☑️ AuditXchange rollout in progress (coming soon)

Construction Safety Nova Scotia

Serves 7,000 members and 1,100 COR®-certified firms across Nova Scotia’s construction industry.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

☑️ AuditXchange rollout in progress (coming soon)

Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

IHSA logo

The exclusing provider of COR in Ontario, serving over 150,000 firms and 700,000 workers.

✅ Uses AuditSoft for COR® audits

✅ Uses AuditSoft for NCSO® Exam Audits

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange Audit Scorecards

Made Safe

made safe logo

Serving Manitoba’s manufacturing industry.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Manufacturing Safety Alliance BC

MSA logo

Serving manufacturers and food processors in British Columbia.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

Manitoba Association for Safety in Healthcare

MASH logo

Manitoba’s health care specific, industry-based safety program.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Risk Professionally Managed

Serving the trucking industry in Manitoba.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Sales and Service Safety Association

sales and service logo

Serving the Sales and Service industries in Manitoba.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

✅ Provides access to AuditXchange audit data

Safety Driven Trucking Safety Council of BC

Safetydriven logo

Serves 300 COR-certified firms in trucking and related industries across BC.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

☑️ AuditXchange rollout in progress (coming soon)

Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association

SCSA logo

Serving the construction industry in Saskatchewan.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR and SECOR

☑️ AuditXchange rollout in progress (coming soon)

Saskatchewan Trucking Association

STA logo

Serves the trucking industry in the province of Saskatchewan.

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR

Ontario General Contractors Association

we built ontario

Working for Ontario’s industrial, commercial and institutional
general contractors

✅ Accepts AuditSoft for COR